Who am I?

Hello, I'm Maximiliano Andrés Paulsen Gómez. I born in 1998, 21 years ago. I grew with my mom, Veronica, my dad Ulises and my brother Axel. Axel is 12 years older than me.

The first place that I can remember is our house in Caicaen, a big wood house in the beach. Caicaen is a location in the island of Calbuco, in "La región de Los Lagos".
Then we moved to Calbuco a few years and finally we moved to a house in Puerto Montt until today.

I studied principally in a public school of arts in Puerto Montt, there I can learn closely a lots of thigs, like arts history, guitar, trombone, violin, theather, folk dances, visual arts and dance.

Now I live in Santiago since 2015 and i'm finishing the bachelor of arts.


  1. Hi! I'm from Puerto Montt too, what a coincidence.

  2. Hi Ignacio!!
    Wow... mi name is ignacio and have one older brother, its a verry big coincidence

  3. Hello Max, I love the Bass Trombone!!!

  4. Hi Max!

    I think is great that you are from a province city. I have been to the south and it is so beautiful. It was nice to read about you.

  5. Hi Max!!
    I was surprised by the age difference between you and your brother. 12 years is a long way!!


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